Tuesday 23 June 2009

Bee Hive Maintainance

Your bee hive is your most important piece of beekeeping equipment and provides a home for your bees, so it is important that it is well maintained. By taking a few simple steps you can ensure that your bee hive serves you well for several years.

Checking of Physical Condition of the Bee Hive

You should inspect your bee hive a minimum of every two weeks. You should check the general physical condition and investigate any changes.

Filling Holes and Gaps

Propolis is a resinous mixture that honey bees collect from tree buds, sap flows, and other sources. You can use it for filling small gaps in your bee hive, much like bees do in wild. Simply warm it in your hand and roll it until it is pliable. Small holes and gaps can be filled by putting the propolis over the hole and smearing it over the area.

Fitting Foundation

Wax foundation expands and contracts considerably with variations in temperature. To avoid buckling you need to make sure that it moves freely in the bottom bars. You may find that on a warm day the foundation won’t go in the grooves of the frame side bars, and it you will have to trim it with a knife or scissors. If the loops of the wiring stick through the bottom bars they will cause problems at extracting time, and will not allow you to run the uncapping knife along the bottom bars. To avoid this pinch the bottom bars together by the wire, and with a hive tool fold the wire back between the bars.

Read more about Bee Hives for Beginners here.